Approximately 18 million American women have diabetes and a staggering 43.7 million have prediabetes. However, 90% of people don’t know they have prediabetes according to a study published in Clinical Diabetes. Not only can diabetes impact heart health, vision, and kidney health, it can also influence vaginal health. The reasons for this are because blood […]
Have you ever noticed strange rashes, smells, or bumps in your vaginal area and immediately assume the worst? Don’t freak out – while the majority of STIs are no big deal if treated properly anyways, sometimes the strange lumps and bumps on our vagina aren’t sexually transmitted. Our vaginas are little microbiomes of their own, […]
Pegging refers to a sex act where a woman anally penetrates her partner with strap-on dildo. While pegging is usually referred to in a heterosexual context where a woman penetrates a man, it can happen between people of all genders, such as lesbians who strap on for their female partners to peg them anally or […]
You’ve more than likely experienced at least one pimple in your life, probably a lot more than that. Acne is one of the most common skin conditions out there, affecting around 85% of people between the ages of 12 and 24. This is in large part thanks to the fluctuation of hormones you experience around […]