Tag: sex

What Is Pegging? Your Beginner Guide

Pegging refers to a sex act where a woman anally penetrates her partner with strap-on dildo. While pegging is usually referred to in a heterosexual context where a woman penetrates a man, it can happen between people of all genders, such as lesbians who strap on for their female partners to peg them anally or […]
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Best Products to Help Delay Your Orgasm

Screw You, PE — Here Are 5 Useful Products to Help Delay Your Climax The AskMen editorial team thoroughly researches & reviews the best gear, services and staples for life. AskMen may get paid if you click a link in this article and buy a product or service. Product photos from retailer sites. Encountering any sort […]
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Why Men Lose Their Erections During Sex

How to Deal With Losing an Erection During Sex For a lot of people, erections are the foundation of sex. Especially if you think that sex necessarily involves a penis and a vagina, well, the penis isn’t much use for penetrating the vagina unless it’s erect. Which means, if the person who normally has the […]
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How to Not Cum So Fast

Prolong Your Pleasure With Our Handy Guide Is your penis a little quick on the trigger, so to speak? Do you pop off before you want to? Have you seen the look of disappointment on your partner’s face as you prematurely end the fun? Don’t freak out — you’re not alone. As many as one […]
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