Get Rid of Gastric Ulcer With Healthy Natural Remedies

Get Rid of Gastric Ulcer With Healthy Natural Remedies

Gastric/Stomach Ulcers are a painful but common problem that you can easily fix with some dietary efforts. Nature has solutions for our entire problems; we just need to look a little deeper and harder. Similarly, for a gastric ulcer, home remedies can come to our rescue.

To start with, this gastric ulcer problem may cause abdominal pain, indigestion, nausea, heartburn, etc. 

The situation may worsen if-

  • there is bleeding in the ulcer.
  • due to gastric obstruction wherein, an ulcer prevents the movement of food through the digestive system.
  • the stomach lining near the ulcer gets perforated.


Get rid of Gastric Ulcer with these quick natural remedies

The ingredients for these natural remedies are normally available in every kitchen. Therefore, using these natural remedies for gastric ulcers is really, safe, effective, and fast. Read further.

1.  Cabbage

Cabbage has abundant Vitamin C and also certain amino acids that raise blood circulation. So, drinking cabbage juice regularly improves the health of the stomach’s inner lining, keeping ulcers at bay. To heighten the potency, you can add Spinach and carrot juice to cabbage juice to treat the condition of peptic, Gastric Ulcer.


Cabbage works well for treating stomach ulcers.

2.  Honey

Honey has anti-inflammatory, anti-bacterial, and healing properties so it helps in killing bacterial infection. Eating a tsp of Honey (unprocessed and all-natural) every day helps in ulcerations.

3.  Banana

Banana has a neutralizing effect on hyper-acidity as it negates acidity in the stomach, the stomach lining gets repaired. Also, it prevents inflammation, shields digestive tracts, and advances natural cell growth enabling better and fast regeneration of damaged inner stomach lining. Eating bananas every day with honey helps in getting the best results.

4.  Fenugreek leaves

Fenugreek leaves coat the inner lining of the stomach with mucilaginous which advances the shield in the inner lining leading to faster healing. Also, fenugreek seeds can be used for the improvement of digestion as well. You can add the leaves or the seeds to your daily diet by sprinkling them over food like salad, rice, lentils, etc.


5.  Wood Apple

Wood Apple is potential for pain relief and inflammation which enables better healing. To get the results, soak some clean leaves overnight, and in the morning, discard all leaves and drink the water. Repeat the process until you feel relief.

6.  Fiber-rich and Citrus foods

In addition, eating fiber and Citrus rich diets also assist in treating gastric ulcer as fiber activates better and proper digestion. This helps in getting rid of the body of all digestive issues. Moreover, citric foods support digestive health through fast healing and stronger protection of the system.


7.  Elm bark and Goldenseal

Slippery elm bark and goldenseal root are prominent ingredients used in detoxification supplements because they have potent anti-inflammatory properties. Not only they ward off inflammation, but they also protect the stomach from bacterial infection. You can add these two to your diet to get relief from ulcers and continue to take them for healthier digestion.

8.  Cayenne Pepper

Taking a pinch of cayenne pepper every day with a glass of plain water also helps in combating stomach ulcers.

Related post- Combine Ayurveda and Food for Health Benefits

9.  Cold Milk

Drinking sugarless cold milk lowers acid formation in the stomach. This, further, helps in relieving the burning sensation.



10.  Almonds

You can also drink the juice of blanched almonds juice every day to bind stomach acids. This helps in keeping acid reflux in check. Also, it supplies the stomach with healthier levels of protein which further repairs the damaged inner lining.

11. Dandelion-Chamomile Tea 

Dandelion-chamomile tea is immensely good for detoxification and cleansing as it naturally rid the body of bacteria and assist in natural healing.

More Tips for Gastric Ulcer Treatment

  • Fruits like watermelon, oranges, blackberries, etc that contain healthy amounts of Vitamin A should be taken to improve gastric health.
  • Capsaicin contained in hot peppers like jalapeno, chili peppers also ward off ulcerations.
  • Other than the above, probiotics also help to remove harmful bacteria from the digestive system. Fermented foods and yogurts are good sources of probiotics. You may even take probiotic supplements.
  • Surprisingly, some studies also insist on using aloe vera which has the potential to treat gastric ulcer.



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