7 days Indian Diet plan for Weight Loss in PCOS / PCOD

7 days Indian Diet plan for Weight Loss in PCOS / PCOD

We are so well aware of PCOS and its implications. There is a sea of information available on how to manage your PCOS. Yet we have the dilemma of what should we eat and whatnot. Let us try and solve our problem. Hereby we have a week’s menu / 7 days Indian diet plan for weight loss in PCOS / PCOD that you can follow to control PCOS. It’s simple, easy, and sustainable.

7 days Indian Diet plan for Weight Loss in PCOS / PCOD

Weight Loss Tips for PCOD / PCOS: 

Fat loss is the primary aim to control PCOS. An acceptable percentage of fat in the body helps manage all metabolic processes to run smoothly. It will also control your hormonal dysfunction. This 7-day Indian diet plan for weight loss in PCOS / PCOD  will help you in losing your fat weight.

Improve insulin resistance by incorporating complex carbohydrates. Include lots of whole vegetables and fruits, whole grain cereals, millets, oat, quinoa, etc. Read Indian Low carb diet plan. It helps in losing 5-6 kgs in a month.

Fiber-rich foods reduce fat deposits. It also relieves constipation and aids in weight loss. Add fresh fruits and vegetables, methi seeds, isabgol, or whole grains. Fiber keeps you full for a longer period of time which helps to avoid frequent eating.

  • Consume plenty of proteins:

Appropriate proteins help in the proper utilization of carbohydrates. It also increases our body’s metabolism and leads to weight loss. Include good quality proteins like egg whites, chicken, fish, milk, and products, soy, pulses as well as dals. Read a High protein diet plan for weight loss. 

  • Emphasis on quality of fat:

Reduce intake of saturated fats like butter, ghee, or margarine. Include omega 3 rich fats in the diet. Add flaxseeds, olive oil, and avocado to the diet. Use rice-bran oil, canola oil, or groundnut oil in rotation. Best oils for Pcod and Thyroid problems.

  • Maintain hormone balance:

Include foods rich in antioxidants. These help to reduce body stress and maintain hormone balance. It also helps reduce PCOS-induced inflammation in the body. Also include foods containing phytoestrogen that will help maintain estrogen and progesterone levels. Include defatted soy and products, vitamins and minerals rich fruits, nuts, chia seeds, moringa

  • Avoid water retention in the body:

With PCOS there is an issue of water retention in some females. Avoid water retention by including foods that have diuretic properties. Start your day with soaked cumin seeds water or barley water. Hydrating your body sufficiently also helps in avoiding water retention.

7 days Indian Diet Plan for Weight Loss in PCOS / PCOD

Here is a 7-day Indian diet plan for weight loss in PCOS / PCOD. This diet plan is simple, practical, and hence easy to follow.

Macronutrient distribution:

Total energy: 1200 kcals

Carbohydrate: 60 % – 65 % of total energy – 180 to 195 gms

Proteins: 20 – 25 % of total energy – 60 to 75 gms

Fats: 15 – 17 % of total energy – 20 to 23 gms

7 days Sample Indian Diet Plan for Weight Loss in PCOS / PCOD

Day 1:

Menu Amount Ingredients
Early morning
Soaked chia seeds 1 tsp Chia seeds
1 cup Warm Lemon Water
Open Bean Mexican Toast ½ cup Boiled beans (or boiled eggs)
1 slice Whole wheat bread / 1 roti
Turmeric Milk 1 cup Milk ( Avoid dairy if you have Acne issues)
1 pinch Turmeric
Soaked nuts ½ cup Almonds + walnuts + pumpkin seeds
Lettuce Veggie Salad 1 cup Lettuce/ Palak + tomatoes + bell peppers + onions + carrots
Millet roti 1 no Jowar / Bajra / ragi  flour
Green vegetable 1 cup Ladies finger
cooked Sprouts ½ cup Moong
Mid Afternoon
Fruit curd 1 cup Curd
½ cup Peach
Evening snack
Vegetable Sukha Bhel 1 cup Kurmura + onion + tomato + cucumber
Dinner – 7 pm 
Green vegetable 1 cup French beans
Vegetable pulav 1 cup Brown Rice
1 cup  veggies
Sambar 1 cup Tur dal + veggies
Nutmeg Milk 1 cup Milk
  1 pinch Nutmeg powder


Day 2:

Menu Amount Ingredients
Early morning
Moringa shot 1 tspn Moringa
100 ml Water (warm)
Nachni Dosa 1 no Nachni batter
Green chutney 2 tablespoons Coriander + Mint
Instant Coffee 1 cup Milk
1 tsp Coffee powder
Fruit 1 medium Mango
Stir fry Cabbage 1 cup Cabbage
Multigrain phulka 2 no Wheat flour
Green vegetable 1 cup Tinda / Toru
Dal 1 cup Moong dal green
Mid Afternoon
Buttermilk or 1 cup Curd
Chicken broth 100 gms Chicken
Evening snack
Khakra Pizza 1 no Plain Khakra
½ cup Bell peppers + onion + tomatoes
Vegetable Soup 1 cup Mix veg
Millet Roti 1 no Bajra/ jowar / ragi flour
Green vegetable 1 cup Turai
Kadhi 1 cup  Buttermilk + besan
Turmeric Milk 1 cup Milk
  1 pinch Turmeric


Day 3:

Menu Amount Ingredients
Early morning
Soaked Jeera water 1 tsp Jeera
1 cup Water (warm)
Vegetable Poha 1 cup Brown rice poha
Green chutney ¼ cup Vegetables
Masala Milk 1 cup Milk
1 Tbspn Milk Masala (dry fruits)
Fruit oats & curd 1 cup Curd
1/2 cup granola
1/2 cup Blueberries + mulberries (any fruit)
Or boiled eggs 2 no Egg whites
Sprout Salad ½ + ½ cup Sprouts + Vegetables
Methi Thepla 2 no Wheat flour + Methi leaves
Green vegetable 1 cup Bottlegourd
Mid Afternoon
Buttermilk 1 cup Curd
Evening snack
Puffed millet 1 cup Jowar puff / Wheat puffs
Green tea 1 cup
Thai Curry 1 cup Mix veg
½ cup Coconut milk
Jasmine Rice 1 cup Jasmine Rice
Grilled eggplant ½ cup Eggplant
Herbal Milk 1 cup Milk
  ½ inch Ginger
2 tablespoon Lemongrass + Mint leaves


Day 4:

Menu Amount Ingredients
Early morning
Soaked Methi seeds 1 tsp Methi seeds
1 cup Water (warm)
Oats porridge 1 cup Milk
2 tablespoon Oats
 10 gms Nuts
Fruit 1 medium Apple
Exotic Vegetable Salad 1 cup Bell pepper + broccoli + baby corn
Millet Roti 1 no Bajra Flour
Green Vegetable 1 cup Pumpkin
Curd 1 cup Curd
Mid Afternoon
Green tea 1 cup
Evening snack
Masala Daliya 1 cup Daliya
¼ cup Vegetables
Vegetable soup 1 cup Mix veg
Vegetable Khichdi 1 ½ cup Rice + Dal
Gujarati Kadhi ¼  cup Curd
1 tablespoon Besan
green vegetable 1 cup bottle gourd / toru / palak / methi
Sol Kadhi 1 cup Coconut Milk
  1 tablespoon Kokam extract (soaked for 5 – 6 hrs)

Day 5:

Menu Amount Ingredients
Early morning
Lemon Water 1 tsp Lemon juice
1 cup Water (warm)
Idli 3 no Idli Batter
Sambar 1 cup Tur dal + Vegetables
Bullet coffee 1 teaspoon Coffee powder
1 tablespoon Coconut oil
Sprouts ½ cup Moth beans
Cucumber raita 1 cup Curd
½ cup Grated cucumber
Multigrain Roti 1 no Multigrain Flour
Green Vegetable 1 cup Chawli / rajgeera leaves
Mid Afternoon
Fruit 1 no Pear
Evening snack
Moongdal Dhokla 7 – 10 pcs Moongdal green
Raw mango chutney 2 tablespoon Coriander + Raw Mango + Garlic
Broccoli Almond soup 1 cup Broccoli + 1/8 cup almonds
Whole wheat phulka 2 no Whole wheat flour
Vegetable 1  cup Spinach
Dal 1 cup Tur dal
warm water + lemon
+ haldi

Day 6:

Menu Amount Ingredients
Early morning
Lemon Water 1 tsp Lemon juice
1 cup Water (warm)
Nachni Satva 2 tablespoon Nachni satva
1 cup Milk
2 no Dates
Fruit 150 gms Dragon Fruit
Green Salad 1 cup Mix Vegetables
Millet Roti 1 no Jowar + Bajra Flour
Green Vegetable 1 cup French beans + coconut 
Grilled fish/paneer or  100 gms Fish
0r 100 gms  Paneer
Mid Afternoon
Buttermilk 1 cup Curd
Evening snack
Moongdal Dhokla 7 – 10 pcs Moongdal green
Raw mango chutney 2 tablespoon Coriander + Raw Mango + Garlic
Broccoli Almond soup 1 cup Broccoli + 1/8 cup almonds
Whole wheat phulka 2 no Whole wheat flour
Vegetable 1  cup Spinach
Dal 1 cup Tur dal
Turmeric & Cinnamon Milk 1 cup Milk
  ½ teaspoon Turmeric + a pinch of cinnamon


Day 7:

Menu Amount Ingredients
Early morning
Barley Water   (boiled) 1 tsp Barley
1 cup Water
Vegetable Upma 2 cup Semolina
1 cup Vegetable
( carrot, beans, onion, Tomato)
Soaked Nuts ¼ cup (20 gms) Almonds + Walnuts + Apricot + Dry fig
Peanut Salad ¼ cup Peanuts
½ cup Onions + Tomatoes
Rice 1 cup Brown Rice
Black Dal 1 cup Urad dal
Buttermilk 1 cup Curd
Mid Afternoon
Fruit 2 medium Plum
Evening snack
Chana Masala  1 cup Boiled black chana
½ cup Onion + Tomato
Or Chicken chickpea patty ½ cup chicken Boiled chicken
¼ cup Boiled chickpea
1 bowl meal 1 cup Exotic vegetables
½ cup Boiled spaghetti
¼ cup Diced tofu
½ cup Boiled rajma or chicken or fish or boiled egg
Chia pudding 1 cup Curd
1 teaspoon Chia seeds (soaked in curd in the morning)
Bed Time 
warm water with lemon + cinnamon 1 glass


  • 1 cup = 200 ml
  • You can use 40 gms paneer, 100 gms chicken/fish, 2 egg whites, 30 gms tofu, 150 gms curd, 150 ml milk interchangeably


A modified high fiber, high anti-oxidant, low glycaemic index, high protein, adequate fats help correct PCOS. Reducing insulin resistance, fat deposition, and increasing metabolism is the key to weight loss. Dairy must be avoided completely if you have any acne / Pimple issues. If you are interested in knowing about a sample diet plan that is dairy-free, please comment below and let us know. We would love to do it if any of you are interested.

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