Grocery Shopping Differences By Generation

Grocery Shopping Differences By Generation

Grocery Shopping Differences By Generation

Behaviors and habits can vary wildly by person. From our preferred hobbies to the food we eat, people all across the United States enjoy an incredibly diverse perspective on life from one person to the next. Even the way we shop for groceries can differ based on something as basic as age group. Below, we’ll briefly explore some data insights on how Americans from different generations shop for food.

First, there’s how they choose to shop. With the convenience of in-store pickup, curbside, and delivery, more and more people are opting to grocery shop online. As the generation with the greatest access to technology throughout their lifetimes, Gen Z consumers naturally take the lead in this particular matter. Highly tech-savvy, this age group feels the most comfortable using store apps and delivery platforms to fulfill their shopping — siting accessibility as the leading reason to do so. Roughly 50% of Gen Zers choose this route regularly.

Read also: Is Buying Fresh Fruits Through Online Grocery Shopping a Good Idea?

Members of Gen Y — typically referred to as Millennials — are right there with their younger cohorts. They also feel at home with this tech — with an incredible 72% reporting having used a grocery store app in the past year. Both generations are the most likely to be considered omnichannel shoppers, as they rely on a wide range of methods to get what they want, as quickly as they can get it. After all, they’ve both been immersed in the world of instant gratification and next-day delivery for years.

Gen X grocery shoppers — for one reason or another — don’t use online channels as often as the younger generations. A study found only around 9% buy grocery items regularly through their mobile device, as they prefer the in-person shopping experience. This is triple the percentage of Baby Boomers, as they remain the slowest generation to embrace mobile technology. That said, digital coupon use is on the rise for these 60-and-up citizens.

Another variance is in how often age groups shop online and in person. According to a 2023 online grocery shopping report, 58% of Gen Z and 60% of Millennials have increased how regularly they grocery shop online with 44% of them ordering online every week. During these orders, 41% of grocery shoppers in both groups spent between $51 and $100 each time. These rates are considerably lower for Gen X and Baby Boomers.

As far as in-store trips go, all the generations are getting out there and utilizing multiple establishments. One study reported at least 70% of U.S. consumers shop at five or more stores a month. What’s more, 50% visit two stores per shopping trip. Although in-store shopping is still the preferred route, we may see online ordering become the norm.

Want to learn more about the grocery shopping trends of each generation? Check out the accompanying resource.

Infographic provided by food co packers, Walker’s Fresh Foods


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