The Metabolic Diet For Weight loss ( Indian Menu)

The Metabolic Diet For Weight loss ( Indian Menu)

The Metabolic Diet Plan for weight loss is a Germany-based weight loss concept. This article presents an Indian Version of the same Metabolic diet for weight loss. Inclusive of Indian foods and Indian Menu for weight loss.

The Metabolic Diet Plan For Weight loss ( Indian Menu)


We always wish for a fit body. But what we don’t do is work enough for it. Beauty doesn’t just lie on the outside. It is important to be beautiful inside out. Similarly, for a fit body, only a workout doesn’t work. It would help if you also adapted to clean eating habits.

There are various diets available that are designed to lose weight. The metabolic diet is one such weight loss diet introduced by the Germans in 2001. The main aim of this diet is to restore and maintain blood glucose levels and insulin by dietary intervention. This innovative diet recently gained popularity as it not only helps to lose weight but also helps to maintain weight.

What is a Metabolic Diet for Weight Loss?

The metabolic diet promotes the consumption of whole and unprocessed foods as well as avoids refined and processed foods. It works around four major food groups – carbohydrates, proteins, fats, and vegetables3. It is a low carbohydrate, high protein, and moderate fat-containing diet. The metabolic diet is designed according to an individual’s requirements. It follows a certain principle that helps to achieve weight loss goals.

The Metabolic Diet for Weight Loss Principle

  • Our body can produce enzymes and hormones required for the optimum functioning of the body. The Metabolic diet provides the fuel needed to enhance this activity, which in turn helps to achieve weight loss results faster.
  • When our body is deficient in certain nutrients, the body starts craving that food group. Listening to our body and providing the nutrients helps us to lose weight and maintain optimum body functions. The metabolic diet is planned to keep in mind the biochemical parameters and the body’s food cravings.

The 4 Stages of a Metabolic Diet for Weight Loss 

  1. Preparatory phase: The preparatory phase consists of 2 days where you go on a detox diet. This helps to remove all the toxins before starting the metabolic diet.
  2. Conversion phase: This is a very strict diet phase where the metabolic diet starts. It is very crucial to introduce portion control at this stage for best results. In this phase, the body starts losing excess weight.
  3. Relaxed phase: This is a period when you introduce all prohibited foods within the healthy range. This is where an individual learns to know the hunger and full signals of the body. The metabolism starts stabilizing and you maintain the lost weight.
  4. Maintenance phase: The maintenance phase is an extended relaxed phase where the metabolic diet becomes a part of your daily routine. This is when you stop the weight gain in the future, and maintain insulin and blood glucose levels.

Indian diet being high in carbohydrates, it becomes challenging to adapt to the metabolic diet. Thus, let us see how we can manage with minimal changes in our Indian staple food and yet achieve our set weight loss goal.

Foods to Include in the Metabolic Diet For Weight Loss

The metabolic diet is a low-carbohydrate diet. Intake of low-GI foods that are also high in fiber is encouraged in the Metabolic diet. Low GI foods take time to get digested and absorbed, thus, maintaining insulin secretion and blood glucose levels. The high fiber also keeps the stomach full for a long thereby reducing overeating in the next meal. Include whole wheat, broken wheat, oats, and millets like sama, varia, ragi, bajra and jowar.

Good quality proteins complement the carbohydrate intake and provide maximum utilization of the carbohydrates. The proteins also boost the metabolism making weight loss easy. The proteins help to build lean muscles and burn fats. Include first-class low-fat animal proteins like egg, poultry, and fish. Also, include other protein-rich sources like low-fat soy and its products, dals and lentils, pulses, sprouts, and nuts and seeds.

A low carbohydrate diet promotes the utilization of fats for fuel, thus, burning fats and resulting in fat loss. But, the body requires good quality fats like omega 3, MUFA, and PUFA for other body functions. Good quality fat also helps to boost metabolism and result in weight loss. Include fats like olive oil, groundnut oil, rice bran oil, flaxseed, walnuts, and chia seeds.

  • Fresh vegetables and fruits

Fresh fruits and vegetables are rich sources of vitamins, minerals, Antioxidants, phytochemicals, and fiber. In most of the processes, the vitamins and minerals act as a catalyst and boost the metabolism. A minimum of 4 – 5 servings of fresh vegetables and fruits is necessary to fulfill daily nutrient requirements. The fiber in vegetables and fruits helps to keep you full for a long and prevent overeating. The vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants also help to keep other body organs healthy and prevent any diseases.

General Tips for Metabolic Diet for Weight Loss

  • Consume 3 major meals with a gap of 4 to 5 hours in between
  • Keep the snacking in between the meals very light
  • Follow all the stages diligently for the best results
  • For best results add 45 minutes of exercise daily
  • Consume a minimum of 2.5 to 3 liters of water daily (based on the season)

The Metabolic Diet Plan For Weight Loss ( Indian Menu)

Here is a sample Indian menu for Metabolic Diet for Weight Loss. The Macro Distribution is as follows.

Energy: 1200 – 1300 kcal     Carbohydrates: 145 – 150  gms

Proteins: 60 gms        Fats: 45 – 50 gms

Sample diet plan

Breakfast: 1 cup Tea or Coffee (no sugar) + 2 medium Split moong dal chilla with green chutney

Mid-morning: 1 cup tossed Paneer chilli or 2 Boiled egg

Lunch: 1 cup Mixed vegetable Raita + 2 small Rajgira Roti + 1 cup Okra + 1 cup Dal Palak + 1 Sprout salad

Evening: 1 cup Green Tea + 1 Bowl (100- 150 gms) Mango or Muskmelon

Dinner: 1 cup Dudhi Tomato Soup + 1 cup Jowar vegetable Khichdi + 1 cup Turai Vegetable + 1 glass Buttermilk

Bedtime: 2 soaked almonds and 2 Walnuts


End note

The metabolic diet can be personalized according to an individual’s need provided the portion size is maintained. It helps to increase energy, lower body weight, boost metabolism, maintain blood sugars, and lower the risk of other diseases. People having tiredness, stuck weight, sleep and hormonal imbalance, metabolic disorders, or inflammation are the best candidates for this diet. Consult a certified professional to achieve your weight target without any nutritional deficiencies.

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